Material Testing House (India) Ltd., has been incorporated under the companies Act 1956 with a basic objective of providing services in Mechanical and Chemical testing of various Engineering materials like cement, concrete mix design , concrete cubes , clay bricks and tiles, fly ash bricks, concrete blocks, paving blocks, concrete, terrazzo and mosaic tiles, PCC and RCC cable covers, coarse and fine aggregates, rocks and stones, ceramic , vitrified, glazed and acid resistant tiles, fly ash, GGBS, bentonite, HSD bars, G.I. pipes, Anodizing of aluminum, thickness of zinc coating, all tests of soils, bitumen tests including Marshal stability and bitumen mixes, wood and timber, performance tests of doors, plywood and laminated boards like Novapan, Eco board etc., stone ware pipes, NDT of concrete with Rebound hammer and UPV tester, concrete core cutting and core tests, water for construction and essential parameters of drinking water, paints etc
Laboratory is equipped with adequate resources to provide services for meeting customer requirements. Test equipment of the Laboratory includes Universal Testing Machine, Tensile Testing Machine, Compressive Testing Machine, Compaction factor apparatus, Flexural testing machine, Los-angles abrasion machine, complete range of IS sieves, Marshall Stability apparatus, CBR apparatus, Liquid limit device, Swell Apparatus, Triaxial shear testing machine, Rock Testing Machine, Soil Consolidation and Direct shear testers, Cone penetration tester, Core cutting machine, Sand poring apparatus, Rapid moisture meter, Penetrometer, Water bath, Muffle furnace, Hot Air Oven, Strohlein apparatus, PH and TDS meters, Digital spectrophoto meter, Flame Photometer, Bitumen extractor, Ductility machine, Autoclave, Humidity chambers, Tiles Abrasion machine, Air permeability Apparatus, Monopan & Electronic Balances, rebound hammer and UPV tester for NDT of concrete etc.
With an aim of providing accurate services, all these test equipment are calibrated in reference with master traceable to National Standards and have been calibrated directly by ‘NABL accredited laboratories’.
Material Testing House (India) Ltd., is having competent work force having Post Graduates / Graduates / Diploma Engineers in respective fields. Training is provided continuously to employees to enhance competence. All tests are conducted as per applicable National / International Standards. Library of MTH is having required literature to conduct tests including latest National / International standards.
With an aim of achieving continual improvement and enhancing customer satisfaction, Laboratory has been implementing ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17025:2017 systems. MTH has achieved Total Quality Implementation with ISO and NABL Accreditation in the field of Mechanical and Chemical Testing which demonstrates the commitment of management to provide reliable services to the customer.
As a whole our Laboratory is the only one in Visakhapatnam to meet the testing requirements of several engineering materials under one roof.